Monday, October 21, 2013

Random Post #2 and #3

Random post #2
I meant to post this last week and for some reason it didn't get posted. So weird. Anyway here it is.

As I am standing, looking like an insane mom of four toddlers, feeling like a train just ran over me, all I am thinking of is that I really would like to cut my hair very short, and dye it some light brown color. Oddly enough, this is something that usually occurs for spring or fall for some people, but no, I am unique! So there you are, cutting my hair and dying my virgin locks a light brown! ha!

Random post #3

I am having a bit of a rough start of the week, my baby puppy became very ill with Parvovirus and has been at the vet's since Wednesday of last week. I was called by the vet this morning and was informed she is deteriorating very rapidly again and in his medical opinion, it would be best for Cleopatra that I put her to sleep being that she is in so much pain and even if she did recover she would be very likely to have long term damage to her intestines, heart, and possibly brain due to the severe dehydration.

As of the wee early hours of this morning, Grandma is also in the hospital with some heart problems and will be there for the foreseeable future.

On top of that I have a huge exam tomorrow morning that I haven't had the chance to study for, completely forgot that I was supposed to teach this morning because I was at the hospital with my grandma and even more mind boggling is the fact that I haven't received any angry student emails yet. Scary business, students are.

Something that keeps running through my mind and the reason for this random post is how dry my skin feels, and how dry-but-not-quite-chapped my lips are at the moment. Quite bizarre. Anyway, I just ordered some moisturizing bits including a facial spray, lip scrub, and some dedicated facial moisturizer.  

I will let you know which ones I ordered when they arrive!

Much love,

Mireya G.

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