Saturday, July 27, 2013

David Garrett

Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to share something with you all. David is a German-American violinist and he is one of my favorite artists for many, many reasons! He and Marcus Wolf (guitarist) were in New York at LiveStream yesterday, recording a live chat session where they played a few pieces from his new album and answered fan's questions! He is such a great artist and free spirit, please check out his video. I promise, I am NOT being sponsored to write about him. I just really, really love and admire David! As a classical musician myself, I believe that his approach to classical music is such a friendly way to get younger people interested in the arts and in classical music! Please listen to the video and if you like it, share it! I believe music is super important in all aspects of life and is something that people of all ages can come together to enjoy! Click the link below.*

David Garrett on Livestream Sessions

-Mireya G.

*I don't know how long this link will be available. If it doesn't work and you want to listen to his music try YouTube, Pandora or Spotify channels with just his name. 

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